How Covey’s Co-Founder and COO, Christina Garcia, is all about routines!
Christina Garcia is the Co-Founder and COO of Covey. She oversees Covey’s product development, customer service and communication efforts, but she’s also a mom to a 4 month old boy, Sebastian. Learn how she incorporates routine and structure to ensure she’s the best version as a mother and boss lady!
Prioritize a morning routine
From spending time with her son and husband to working out, Christina makes sure to get it all in by starting the day with her morning routine! “I think this is the most important time to do self care and do the things that will set up your day for success,” she said.
Create a new to do list everyday
Christina creates a new to-do list every morning to ensure she gets everything done. “Psychologically, this is more positive and better for me because instead of starting at the previous day’s list and reflecting on what I didn’t get done, I start with a clean slate. It helps me prioritize every single day.”
You can’t do it alone!
With work and motherhood, Christina admits that having help and making time for self care, help her tremendously.
Christina started work three weeks after having a baby, so having a nanny was critical in being able to do that. “Having help in any capacity postpartum is so important for your recovery, whether it’s a mom, a sister, mother-in-law, your husband - anyone who is able and willing to give you time to yourself makes a huge difference,” she said.
Schedule in your self care time
During the week, Christina’s self care time happens at night. “When getting my son on a schedule, I was very aware of this and decided it would be better if he went to sleep earlier so I could have time at night to unwind & have downtime,” shared Christina.
On the weekends, she and her husband trade off watching the baby so they both get self care time, which is usually working out. “Every week my husband and I sit down and talk about our weekend plans so we both set expectations / plan out that time for ourselves,” she said.
Staying motivated to workout postpartum
Staying motivated to workout postpartum is very challenging. “Everytime after I workout, I take a minute to reflect on how I feel - how energized I am, how happy I feel so then when I have that moment when I don’t want to workout because I’m too tired or don’t think I have time, I remember that feeling and it motivates me to get it done.”
Consistency is the key
Christina takes wellness very seriously and ensures there is time for it throughout the week. “Having a wellness routine - working out a certain amount of times each week, taking care of your skin, taking certain vitamins every day, it creates a foundation of strength and health for me so no matter what gets messed up or happens that day, I have that,” she added.
Spend a day with Christina!
6:30 AM: Christina takes time for herself before she gets her son up. “My mom gave me the advice to take care of myself first so I wash my face, make my coffee and put on my outfit for the day. This way, when I go to get him, I feel ready and prepared for the day,” she said. Before she gets her son, she:
- Washes her face with Covey’s First of All Cleanser and very cold water - helps with circulation and waking up
- Make an iced oat milk latte
- Takes supplements: 1000MG of Vitamin C & Olly’s Laser Focus
8:00 AM: Christina will finish getting ready after the nanny arrives. She applies Covey’s vitamin C serum, moisturizer and does her make up and hair. Then she begins working on Covey!
12:00 PM: Lunch. Every Sunday, she makes a frittata because it lasts all week long and then she has lunch ready to go. Her favorite recipe is here.
2:00 PM: Christina breaks up her day with a second coffee, a snack, and a quick moment with her son.
5:00 PM: Once a week she works out with trainer, Tyler Floch. He’s been instrumental in my postpartum recovery and feeling stronger and leaner than ever!
5:45 PM: Christina preps dinner. “ We do some sort of vegetable in the oven and chicken. I don’t like to spend more than 15-20 minutes on dinner so it has to be easy,” said Christina.
7:15 PM: After the baby is down, she eats dinner with her husband.
8:00 PM: Christina’s bedtime routine begins with a hot shower to help her relax. She also finishes up 1-2 hours of work so she’s in bed by 9:30 -10: 00 PM.
Want to get to know the rituals and routines of other moms and creatives? Explore more Covey Real Routines.