Real Routines x Emily DiDonato
Emily DiDonato is a model, content creator and mother. She is most known for her modeling work as the face of Maybelline for over 10 years and has worked a lot in the beauty space. She loves fashion, beauty and wellness!
Take Three
1. Plan your days around your energy
“Learn how to structure your days in a way that works for you. I love creating content around fashion, beauty and wellness, but I don’t love creating content all the time. My most productive and creative time of day is the morning. I learned that if I carve out the mornings to be creative, I enjoy it more, and I am just so much more productive! I tend to have a slump in the afternoons so I’ve started working out around 12 PM and this boosts my mood and energy. I also save that time for calls or administrative type work. This format works for me, but it’s taken me years to figure out how to plan my days,” said Emily.
2. Attainable objectives
“Write down three things that you want to accomplish each day. The more achievable, the better! The positive momentum of achieving those few things tends to propel me to do the rest of the things on my mind that I wanted to accomplish,” said Emily.
3. Create boundaries
“I love the app Focus Lock. I am so addicted to my phone and social media and it is a part of my job so I have had to take some extreme measures to keep me from endlessly scrolling. Focus Lock allows me to lock as many apps as I need to for any period of time. I tend to lock all of my social media apps at 7 PM until 8 AM the next morning. It really helps me mentally and emotionally,” said Emily.
My Routines
Morning routine: “I am an early riser and wake up at 5:30am. I love to have the mornings for myself so I go downstairs and I have my yerba maté tea. I like to journal for a few minutes that focuses on gratitude and I also write down some affirmations for the day. This is where I write down three things I want to accomplish, and anything else I have on my mind. Then I go upstairs and get into my workout clothes, put in my contacts and get myself kind of dressed for the day. At 7am I go and get my kids and I get them changed and dressed, and I bring them downstairs and we eat breakfast together. I make scrambled eggs every single morning with turkey sausage. We will play together and sometimes I will read to them in the morning. I feel very fresh and present in the mornings and my mind feels very sharp, so I really like to use that time to be with my kids,” said Emily.
Evening routine: “In the evenings, I try to stop scrolling on my phone around 7pm. I’m usually hanging out with my husband and watching TV and unwinding from the day. We always make some chamomile tea together and we go upstairs together. I do my skincare routine, the covey routine, of course. I brush my teeth and my husband and I like to read in bed together. I find this to be the best way to unwind at night. I set my alarm for the next morning and I am usually in bed and sleeping by around 9:30,” said Emily.
Workout routine: “Typically I lift weights 3 to 4 times a week. I do zone five cardio AKA hit my max heart rate about two days a week and three days a week I do zone two cardio,” said Emily who mixes it up with very long walks or spinning on the peloton.
Relax routine: “My favorite way to relax is to drink a cup of tea and to journal. In my journal I don’t just write. Sometimes I add photos or receipts or little mementos from the day. I really like to reflect on what happened that day and I love to look back at previous entries. I find it really relaxing,” said Emily.
Favorite Things
Book: Pineapple Street
TV: Grey's Anatomy for the 1000th time
Podcast: The ReModeling podcast
Recipe: My go to salmon recipe can be found here
Kid Toys: Anything from LOVERY
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